Join Jesus & Practice Kindness

As I am writing this blog, my kids are melting down all around me for 20 different (dumb) reasons. Can you hear my frustration? :)  We just took them on a cruise that I played on ( btw join us next year), and gave them a great vacation, but basically, Hilary and I need a vacation from our “vacation”! I love these little humans more than I could ever possibly express, but I am beyond irritated and certainly not displaying kindness in any way, shape or form. And let me tell you, these kids do not deserve my kindness tonight.

Be kind… Be kind...Be kind, I tell myself. But I know, as well as you do, that kindness is a fruit of the Spirit of God, and not possible by my own power. I am so thankful that God is slow to anger and the author of Loving-Kindness (Hesed). I love how N.T. Wright says it in his commentary Paul for Everyone:

“Kindness is one of the purest forms of imitation of God. How would it be if God were the kind of god who was always making snide or bitter remarks at us? What would worship and prayer be like if we thought God had been talking about us behind our backs, putting us down to others? How would we feel if we thought we couldn’t trust God to tell us the truth if he was always losing his temper with us? Well: how do people feel about us if that’s what we’re like? Wouldn’t it be better in every way to be like God?”

This is my aim: KINDNESS, by way of my heart’s alignment with the Spirit of God (of which I am not at this moment:).

When we hear kindness, we often think of “Random acts of kindness”. These random acts are great, but they are not necessarily the Biblical understanding of Kindness. Loving-Kindness or “Hesed” is used over 200 times in the Old Testament. There apparently isn’t an equal word in the English language to translate the heart of Hesed other than Loving-Kindness, mercy, loyal steadfast love, unmerited love. 

Hesed” seems to be mainly used within intimate relationships, ie. God toward man. And to top it off, the vast majority of these verses are describing God’s Loving-Kindness toward us. 

Jesus is the ultimate embodiment of “Hesed”. And let me tell you, I do not deserve His kindness, but thank GOD for His Loving-Kindness that surrounds me all day long.

So, what would it look like for us to practice Kindness this week? With our spouses, kids, friends, neighbors, coworkers, or even with ourselves... 

Who might Jesus be inviting you to practice Kindness with this week?

All I know to do is to practice kindness alongside Jesus. Because, I can’t do them on my own, or at least, because my kindness has limits and breaking points, I must rely on the power and heart transplant of Jesus WITHIN ME. 

10000 MINUTES Practice:

  • Join Jesus & Practice Kindness

Because of His Loving-Kindness towards us today, we are invited to be kind to one another. 




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