Partner With Us

I’m going to cut straight to it, we need additional financial support. Our needs are growing leaps and bounds because our impact is growing leaps and bounds. Ask Jesus how we could partner together! We are aiming for $125,000 in annual giving...what’s your role?


A Virtual Hug + Mighty Christmas Digital Download

A Signed 10000 MINUTES MANUAL (A Devotional Journal) + Mighty Christmas CD

A Signed 10000 MINUTES MANUAL (A Devotional Journal) + Mighty Christmas CD + My 12th child named after you Virtual Hug

GIVESUPER Extraordinary ONE-TIME GIFTS $500+ 
All of the above and well, I don’t even know what to say except THANK YOU!

This past season we surveyed our people to see how we can be more effective in helping them Follow Jesus all week long. What are their hindrances and where can we offer help? 1,200+ people respond and over 800 of them left unbelievably encouraging comments at the end.

PEOPLE are SO thankful for this Ministry. We were literally brought to tears as we read through all of the comments and needs of our people. We are essentially a buildingless church of 40,000 people!

  • We’ve created a 26-week (hard copy) devotional journal called:  A 10000 MINUTES MANUAL. This is the first of hopefully many more!  It cost us about $15k to fulfill this creation.  The vision is to create helpful tools that also help us become self-sustaining.

  • This past year we grew our bi-weekly texting encouragements, 25,000 people. The stories and replies I get every week from just these texts alone, make it all worth it. However, to continue these encouragements it takes the support of generous partners. $3000 per month currently

  • The Blog is now being seen by 25-30 thousand people a week. The blog is the life-blood of 10000 MINUTES, and the stories I hear back are absolutely astonishing. The blog needs additional marketing, advertisements, dedicated time and with a growing community, it deserves additional financial support. $2000 per month

  • PODCASTS: Production, editing, and marketing of each are crucial to their individual success! $2000 per month

  • I JUST SIGNED A RECORD DEAL WITH INTEGRITYMUSIC!  Influence is the name of the game for me with this partnership, and this frees up some funds for 10000 MINUTES!

If this ministry has been encouraging to your soul, would you please partner with us in this next season at the link here? There have been a few of us who have been financially carrying all of this, and it’s getting too much for our little crew to hold, so would you jump in WITH us and together we can help each other awaken to Jesus in our everyday lives!

So grateful for all of you. Thank you for your comments, encouragement, and stories as we, together, walk WITH Jesus all week long!!!


Join Jesus & Practice Kindness


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