In this series on the Fruit (virtues, beautiful attributes) that come from being connected to the Spirit of God, I’ve been reminded over and over again how crucial it is to simply practice WITH-NESS all day long. Even though I know that the power and ability is not within me alone, I still fall into the “try to be kind” trap. A few times last week, I practiced kindness and failed miserably when things weren’t going my way. NO SHAME, but it’s worth identifying it, learning and moving forward WITH Jesus in.

The middle 3 “Fruit of the Spirit” identified in Galatians 5 are Patience, Kindness, and Goodness. These seem to specifically be aimed at OTHERS. Kindness and Goodness seem like the same words, and they are definitely similar, but there are a few distinctions. I love this quote from an unknown reference:   

Patience is suffering love; kindness is compassionate love; and goodness is ministering love.

They all play together in the same sandbox, but goodness has a boldness to do what is right and to invite others into it as well. Goodness is seeing what is right in a circumstance and then acting on it.

Goodness takes a ton of patience and kindness, and puts it into action for the greater GOOD of self and especially others. As you look back on your story, when was a time when someone did the right thing even when it was hard? Or when do you wish someone, or even you, would have done the Good and right thing?

I love the question that my friend Kyle Zimmerman would always ask me: So, what’s the next right thing to do? This is a multifaceted question, but when applied to GOODNESS, it seems to fit. 

What situation in your life right now might be ripe for goodness to prevail? Doing the right thing even when it’s hard? And since GOODNESS is a fruit from our alignment WITH Jesus and His Spirit, what would it look like to walk WITH Him in it and seek to do good.

10000 MINUTES Practice:

JOIN JESUS today & Practice doing good (to others) WITH Him today. 

  • What is the next right thing to do, and practice it WITH Jesus!

  •  Remember, when alignment WITH the heart of God is our aim, then the fruit of the Spirit is the result!


As If Jesus Is Alive - Speak Lord


Join Jesus & Practice Kindness