Need Patience With Others?

         Who do you need patience for this season?

PATIENCE, according to the New Bible Dictionary is “God-given restraint in the face of opposition or oppression.”   I love that!

  • God-Given Restraint:  In other words, patience is not man-made, but God-breathed. It is God-given restraint that holds us back from taking someone’s words too personally (ie. last night’s convo with my wife:). It is God-given restraint that invites us to stop, take a second and see the situation from a different point of view. It takes God-given power to suspend judgment, hold your tongue, love your enemy, etc…

  • In the face of opposition or oppression:  Without opposition and oppression, there is no need for Patience. Reality is, some form of opposition and oppression are as constant as gravity.

Who or what situations trigger your impatience (aka your crazy place)? Thankfully I was presented with an opportunity for growth today. Not a shocker, but it happened (once again) in the parking lot. No need for details, because you all know how this played out...enemies were made. My invitation from God! This is either an opportunity or a hassle. 

I knew that “Patience with others” was this week’s practice, yet I still tried to produce patience on my own. Just like every other attempt to manufacture the fruit of the Spirit...failed mission. I was surely not driving WITH Jesus at that point. Needless to say, the rest of the day, as I drove WITH Jesus, patience with other drivers was abundant! 

What situations this week do you need to be doing WITH Jesus? 

10000 MINUTES Practice:

Practice PATIENCE with others by Aligning your heart WITH the heart/presence of God

Walking WITH Jesus in all circumstances = PATIENCE


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Impatient With God?