Are You Full Of Peace?

The third “Fruit of the Spirit (or from the Spirit)” of God is PEACE. Remember this isn’t a list that you can conjure up or make happen on your own, but these are the overflowing by-product of living your life WITH, attached to, in step with the Spirit of God.

Peace can be broken down into at least 2 categories. Peace WITH God, and the Peace OF God. Peace WITH God is found all over the place in the Bible, but most would go to Romans 5. Paul is ultimately saying that because of what Jesus did for us, we now have right standing with God. Past, present and future! What’s done is done. There’s not even a need to ask Jesus to please forgive our sins and put Him back upon the cross. IT WAS & IS & and forever WILL Be FINISHED!!! Thank you, Jesus! We are Aligned WITH Jesus!

The Peace Of God is a fruit from the Spirit Himself, that walks us through the craziness of this life. This is where Paul talks about a “Peace that transcends all understanding” in Philippians 4:4-7:

 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 

To me, this invitation is more about walking WITH Jesus in the midst of it all, and practicing His presence and aligning to where He is working. Dallas Willard says that peace is “rest in goodness”. It’s the place where our soul can rest NO MATTER WHAT because Jesus has got this. Because we are already aligned WITH Him, He is inviting us to awaken to the Peace that transcends all understanding that is already available for us! IT’S ALREADY’s the actual GOSPEL or Good News that Jesus can’t stop talking about. 

Who doesn’t want rest for their heart and soul? True PEACE with God and walking daily in the PEACE of God, is going through your day remembering that you’re loved, PERIOD, and that He is at work in all circumstances.

Just take that in for a second...what would last week have looked like in your heart if you walked as if those were actually true?

10000 MINUTES Practice:

This week, let’s practice this simple, yet profound truth:

Breathe In: I’m Loved

Breathe Out: You Got This


How patient are you?
