I resist crisis, like the plague (literally). Comfort is one of my dearest friends and closest companions. I want to avoid pain, suffering, conflict, and trials at all cost. THEN LIFE HITS THE FAN…

As hard as we try, and as much as we plan out our perfectly paved path, LIFE HAPPENS. What was a LIFE HAPPENS moment in your past? What about in this current season? 

In our LIFE HAPPENS moments we can:

  • Practice JOY or Practice a Hellish existence here and now, which is ultimately life, without the Spirit of God.

  • Practice Curiosity or Practice Fear, Worry & Anxiety

Remember, Jesus said, “Whoever puts these words into Practice…” becomes wise.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 

It’s crazy how often joy in suffering, joy through trials, joy through pruning, etc... come up in the Bible together. It’s almost like they are partners in our journey to wholeness. They become our teachers and coach us into fullness (not lacking anything), if we are willing to “consider” with curiosity what Jesus is up to.

The word “Consider”, in “consider it pure joy…”, is really closely tied to the practice of being curious. Curiously consider it pure joy when LIFE hits the fan. I don’t believe for a second that this invitation is downplaying sadness, sorrow, or grief. This is not saying to me, “Tim, you have an incurable cancer! Hurray! Be happy about this!” 

I will never say that cancer, in and of itself, is good. Cancer SUCKS! Yet, because of this sucky diagnosis, Jesus has been at work shaping and reshaping, molding and remaking me into a man filled with Joy. I’m ready to be healed and I believe Jesus knows what He’s doing with that, and yet, looking back, I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world. The more that I remain curious in and through my circumstances, about what Jesus is coaching me through, the sooner joy fills my lungs.

The sooner I let go of having to control everything, and rest in the never-ending work of the Spirit, in, through and around me, the sooner JOY becomes my closest companion. The sooner my heart and soul find rest and comfort!

10000 MINUTES Practice:

Practice CURIOUS JOY. 

Breathe In:


Breathe Out:


...and watch what happens. JOY HAPPENS!

Where has/is LIFE HAPPENING to you? What if God is good and He’s at work...stay curious.


Are You Full Of Peace?


FRUIT MATTERS: Jesus, Help Me Love