How patient are you?

PATIENCE is the fourth in this non-exhaustive list of attributes of the heart, also known as the fruit of the Spirit of God. I say non-exhaustive because I believe that there are many qualities that the Spirit of God is wanting to awaken in and through us as well. ie. generosity, hope, wisdom, understanding, power, healing, etc…  Yet, none of these matter at all without LOVE. 

“LOVE IS PATIENT…” 1 Corinthians 13

These verses sound so beautiful and romantic until real life hits them in the face. Well, this morning I’ve already blown this one. I can’t even get through the first 3 words. I’m not going to run to shame, but learn from my past and move forward with my day clothed in grace!

For the next 3 weeks, we are going to practice patience with ourselves, with God, and with others. But remember, our practices are all to be done alongside of and WITH Jesus.

How patient are you with yourself? This is an area that I struggle with daily. I have very little patience for myself when it comes to things I should’ve had control over or that I could’ve prevented. When I spill a drink or take a wrong turn or hurt someone’s feelings, I can quickly move into shaming myself. What would my day look like, if I were able to practice the gift of patience with myself?

How patient has God been with you and me? Oh, the books we could all write about the relentlessly patient love He’s shown us! If GOD has such undeserving patience for us, what would happen if we aligned with how He sees us? Remember that, patience is not something to be conjured up by your own strength, but it’s what happens when we’re aligned with the Spirit of God. LOVE LOVE LOVE...PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE…

10000 MINUTES Practice:

Practice PATIENCE for yourself, WITH JESUS!

- When are you impatient with yourself? What’s triggers you? 

- What might Jesus be teaching you and inviting you into?


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