FRUIT MATTERS: Jesus, Help Me Love

LOVE is the greatest among equals, the first in the vast list of Holy Spirit grown attributes of the heart, also known as the fruit of the Spirit of God (Galatians 5).

People will know that we are in Jesus and that He is in us by the fruit from our lives. No one really cares about what you call yourself or what religion you defend on Facebook; they want to see it lived out or not. This is exactly what Jesus addressed the Pharisees and religious people about.

Matthew 7 is an incredible chapter with back to back invitations and warnings from Jesus about this very subject. He starts with a warning against judging others with the log and speck illustration, then moves into the kind-love of the Father. Then He talks about the Golden Rule, how to treat others as you’d want to be treated. Next, He warns against religious people and says that you will recognize them by their fruit or lack of it. Then, because of that, He throws the bomb out there that not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter into His Kingdom rest. 


Finally, Jesus finishes with, “everyone who hears my words and puts them into practice (all week long) is wise, building their house on Him the solid Rock of Love.

All to say, people will know if we are truly rooted in Jesus’ heart or not, by the fruit that comes out of our lives. As hard as we may try, we cannot make lasting fruit through our will power, but we can practice walking WITH Jesus and watching His heart reshape ours!

(side note, isn’t it interesting that in John 15, Jesus says, that when we stay aligned / attached to Him, that He will bear “lasting” fruit out of us:)

  • Who in your life has shown this beautiful & powerful fruit from the SPIRIT OF GOD? (thank them, if their alive, and if not, then affirm them to their loved ones:)

  • Does my LOVE mainly benefit me? Or does my love mostly help others? Not a shaming question, but a revealing one that can lead to beauty. Aaaaand I understand that our love benefits us, but see the bigger picture:)

  • Be Aware of WHO & HOW you love. What are the conditions for your love?

10000 MINUTES Practice:

All-day long, we run into hard situations that challenge our ability to love well. Embrace your weakness! With a grateful heart, align with and draw from the Spirit of LOVE: 

Breathe IN: 

As I’ve Been Loved

Breathe OUT: 

Help Me Love

 We have to breathe, so let’s use it for good! Practice this breathing prayer all week, starting today!




Are You LOVING Well?