Did God Fail?

What is disappointing in your life right now?

I recently had a few potential deals fall through that would’ve been so freeing and amazing for 10000MINUTES, my ability to do what I feel made to do, and for my family. They seemed so promising and potentially fruitful for all involved, including the Kingdom of God. It was like God himself was opening these doors and inviting us into fulfilling our shared dreams. And…..nope. Doors closed. Expectations, hopes and dreams shattered. Joy tested. Doubt creeps in. Did God fail or did He just fail me? Did I not hear Him right? My guess is you know what this feels like.

Well, Happy Holy Week! This is when we celebrate the full range of emotions starting with Jesus’ triumphal entry on Palm Sunday, to the utter disappointment of Good Friday, and then waking up to the overwhelming joy of Easter.

All of these emotions - disappointed, disillusioned, let down and complete despair signify expectations unmet. Think about it, whatever you are disappointed with in your life is most likely a result of something or someone that didn’t meet your hopes, dreams, and expectations.

Snap back to Palm Sunday when the greatly oppressed and marginalized Jews found out that their Messiah, who they’d been desperately waiting for, was finally here to overthrow the Romans and lead them into freedom. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Blessed is the king of Israel!" John 12:13

Hosanna: to save, rescue; savior; praise; hurray

The people were shouting praises to their conquering King, who was going to do exactly what they had hoped and dreamed for. Until...Friday came. Massive disappointment, questioning, doubt, finality of hopes lost, expectations dead and buried. Then came Saturday when all went silent. That “last nail in the coffin” moment.

Jesus knew disappointment. Jesus knew prayer answered by a “No” or a “Wait.” Even Jesus, as He was hanging on the cross shouted, “My God, My God why have you forsaken me?” Disappointment is not a sin, it’s our posture in and through it that matters.                

Jesus had to experience Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Silent Saturday to get to Easter Sunday. God is in the business of bringing dead things to life, something out of nothing, joy out of sorrow.

When in your past or present journey have you experienced great disappointment or unmet expectations? Where was/is Jesus in the midst of it?

Jesus knows major disappointment, and He will be with us in ours. He’s been there, and He’s doing something there. Press into the pain. You’ll find Jesus there.

Take up your cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23)...Sunday is coming!


Lean into the sorrow, learn and practice surrender!

Repeat this all week long: SUNDAY IS COMING

Text “10k” to “55678” if you want weekly text reminders to your phone. We’ll be sending out a few encouragements a week to help you practice Jesus all week long!


What Do You Really Want In Life?


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