What Do You Really Want In Life?

This question has been rocking my world lately:

What do you really want in life?

Make a list in your mind. When we get beyond all of the temporal things that we think will make us happy, we start to enter the real heart and soulful longings for our lives, and for the people we love.

For example:

  • Freedom from anxiety, fear and shame

  • To walk with joy in all circumstances

  • The fruit of the Spirit to actually be alive in me (love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, generosity…)

  • To truly know and be known by others

  • Better perspective

  • Etc...what do you really want?

What does it look like for you to trust GOD IN your longing?   (examples: a need to let go of control, practicing gratitude and contentment, letting go of attachments and idols)

One of the things that I really want and long for is to be able to rest in the divine outcomes, and ultimately, not live in fear anymore. I long for a posture of surrendered peace. There are so many areas that I freely surrender to Jesus, and yet I find myself clinging to others for dear life.

What does it look like to be rooted in the Word with what you really want?

For me, it’s putting Jesus’ heart and words into the daily rhythms of my life:

  • 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control.

  • Matt 6; Romans 8:  Seek first the Kingdom of God and He will work things out, because He is at work in all things for our good.

  • Proverbs 3:   Timmons, don’t lean on your own understanding, but acknowledge Him, be constantly aware of God at work and He will make your path straight.

What about you? What does Jesus want you to remember and live as though it’s true from His Word?

What does your want look like when you’re being refined in a Jesus Community?

Unless we walk humbly and vulnerably alongside each other, we are destined to fail. Seriously, how many times after reading something profound or hearing someone speak on a topic, have you thought, “Hmmmm, that is such a great point…” but then done nothing about it? I have so many notes on my phone that I think I’ll come back to, but never are to be seen or lived out again.

My favorite definition of humility is: a right view of oneself. And in the context of Jesus people, when we have a right or fuller view of God then we'll have a more correct view of ourselves and others. All to say, find safe people and share this stuff with them. Or ask Jesus to open the door for better community with His people.

This Week's Practice: What do your really want in life? What would your week look like if you trusted Jesus for the things you want?

Ask Jesus to keep you alert to what He’s doing today.


Find a scripture or promise of God and repeat it all day long living as though it’s true.

Text “10k” to “55678” if you want weekly text reminders to your phone. We’ll be sending out a few encouragements a week to help you practice Jesus all week long!


Does God Love Us Too Much?


Did God Fail?