What's Been Fueling Your Soul?

What has been fueling your soul? This could be a quick and easy question to answer and just pass by, but really think about it, what has been fueling your soul lately? We are all fueled by something, both by things beautiful and by things that ultimately leave us empty.

Adventures with Tim:

I am a serious researcher. When I get something in my mind that I want, and think the timing is right, I go after it with gusto. I will research it until I know every possible detail, issue, price, and deal out there. Soooo, let me just say that I have owned my car for 14 years and have dreamed about getting another one that fits our needs/wants for the past 6:) All to say, for the past few months I have been going nutso searching for the best possible deal that I can find.

You want to know what’s been fueling my soul - check my web browser history, or check my mental and emotional browser history.

I’ll be honest, my fuse has been so short lately with my kids. I can lose it at the drop of a hat or a cup of water onto the floor. I am not saying that it’s bad to look and research cars and that that’s the reason for my poor parenting, but this kind of inventory of our souls is so important. I feel dumb and utterly vain even sharing this with you, but it’s real to me and it draws me away from my “pure and simple devotion to Jesus” (2 Corinthians 11).

My short fuse is merely an indicator that there is something going on in my heart and soul. There’s a check engine light, if you will, signaling trouble. I’ve replaced the fuel of the Spirit of God with a cheap imitation that is leaving me dry.

The Spirit of God (numa: wind, movement, energy) is the fuel that we are meant to run on. Think about it, the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5) means, that love, joy, peace, patience, etc are all by products of the Spirit at work in and through us. They are not fruit of Netflix, podcasts, FB, Insta, Craigslist, other people. Again I am not condemning these things, but when they take the role of the Spirit of God, we are heading for trouble. Remember that the Biblical illustration for the Spirit of God is wind in a sail.

So what is fueling you? Make a list of positive and negative things, keeping in mind that shame and conviction are 2 different things. The Holy Spirit’s job is to lead, guide, convict our hearts so that we end up in alignment with GOD! How awesome is that. Grace all day long, new mercies every morning, and the SPIRIT of GOD leading us into daily alignment into what Jesus is up to in our stories.

ASK the Spirit of God to open your eyes today. Be aware of what’s been fueling you and be fueled by Him.

10000MINUTES Practice:

Breathe In: Holy Spirit
Breathe Out: Lead Me

Text “10k” to “55678” if you want weekly text reminders to your phone. We’ll be sending out a few encouragements a week to help you practice Jesus all week long!


Did God Fail?


Jesus, What Are You Up To?