Stop, Drop & BREATHE?

I currently have about 6 things I am deeply involved with...or you could say jobs:).  I love, love, love each of them, but I am juggling a ton right now to say the least. Yesterday, I was starting to feel the weight and stress of all of the deadlines etc. If I had had a heart monitor on, I’m sure it would’ve been cranking pretty high. I saw my “X” on my wrist and decided to practice what I am inviting you all into...Breathing Prayers.

“Instruct them to PRACTICE all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” matt 28:20 msg

Breathing prayers are a tradition from the very beginning. I love this quote from Rabbi Arthur Waskow from wrote:

“The notion of YHWH as "the Breath of Life" accords with a deep sense of God as intimate and transcendent at once. If we have no breath in us, we die. If there is no breath beyond us, we die.”

Ron Mortoia, Brennan Manning and so many other heroes often talk about the power of practicing breathing our prayers. It’s simply breathing in and breathing out the goodness of God. Being mindful of Jesus all day long.

~Breathe In: 

(Jesus) I’m with You

~Breathe Out:

(Jesus) You’re with Me

I’ve already started this practice and it has been powerful. As I write my “X” on my wrist each day, I am reminded to breathe in and out the simple truth of Jesus’ nearness.

10,000 MINUTES Practice:

  • PRACTICE: Stop & Breathe

READ: This week we are going to practice Jesus’ invitation to simply be aware of Him all day long! What is a thing you could wear or use as a reminder, all day long, to practice the presence of Jesus? Ie. write on yourself, bracelet, glasses, ring on different finger, etc…Every time you notice it this week practice breathing this:

~Breathe In:

(Jesus) I’m with You

~Breathe Out:

(Jesus) You’re with Me


Small Group Questions:

Work through these questions in a journal or with a friend or a group of friends:

  • What does it mean, that God is always with us?

  • When do you find yourself talking to God? Day? Night?

  • What do you talk to God about?

  • If you’re aware of God always being with you, how does it change your attitude or actions? Why? or Why not?

  • What would it look like if you lived as though Jesus was alway with you and at work in all things? How would your day change?



BEWARE: Practicing This Will Change You


Anyone Want To Practice God’s Will For Your Life?