How Have We Been Managed By Our Fears?

Were you able to practice this yesterday? “When I am afraid of _________, I will trust you Jesus.”

For the rest of the week, let’s just take one fear that we deal with in our daily lives and surrender it to Jesus. Surrender means: dropping what you are holding, hands up, giving up the right to manage the outcome.

What if we lived like Jesus was actually present and wanted to free us from the chains of these fears? How do these things that we’re afraid of change how we live our lives?

Jesus help us as we focus on this single fear. How have we been managed by these fears? Show us...FREE US Jesus!!! Because You did not give us/ fill us with a Spirit (Your Spirit) of fear, but of Power and Love and Self Control. Jesus Lead On!

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self-control.


What If We Lived Like This Was True?


Friends, What Are You Afraid Of?