Friends, What Are You Afraid Of?

Friends, what are you afraid of?

Were you able to identify some of your fears yesterday? As I wrote both my big and small fears down, it was so interesting to see how much of my life is dictated by them. If it’s about “Being found out”, then how I use hiding as my MO (mode of operation). If it’s a fear of dying young from cancer, then I spend energy “future tripping” on what could be and forget being present in the moment. I’m afraid for my kids growing up with certain deficiencies, so I overreact or underreact.

Ok you’re turn. Identifying this stuff with Jesus is HUGE. Then sharing these with someone else is so freeing and helpful.

Here is a prayer from King David that we can join in:

But when I am afraid,  I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has promised.  I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?  What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 56:3-4

Try this with me today. (stolen from a friend Bill Gaultiere, Ph.D. )

“When I am afraid of _________, I will trust you Jesus.”

Remember God is either real or not, and at work in all things for our good or not!


How Have We Been Managed By Our Fears?


Who Wants Freedom From Fear This Week?