Cast It Like It's Hot

My hero and friend Doug Fields shared some learnings about following Jesus into a life of letting go of fear. Obviously easier said than done, but he lead us through a practice of figuratively dropping the fear that we were holding into The River that is God’s daily grace and mercy. It was a powerful moment of dropping these heavy stone like fears and letting God be God!

Out of this exercise I got up to lead worship and began to lead the church in casting their cares on Jesus. As we were singing, I found that I had already picked back up my cares from out of the proverbial river. It happened that fast. I realized once again what a control addict I am.

So if (when) you find yourself holding these worries again the next day, think through where you picked them back up and cast them again! Cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you! Practice this with me all day long.

Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you... Psalm 55:22



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