Can Perspective (Donald) Trump Feelings?


15 years ago, I was given 5 years to live due to an incurable cancer living inside me. I surely didn’t see that one coming, yet in a crazy way I’m so grateful for the gift of perspective that this journey has afforded me. Because I still walk with a cancer diagnosis, my fears and worries are confronted daily with these questions:

Is God, God or is he not?

Is God good or is he not?

So then what’s my response to Him?

If He is both of these things then what does my posture look like in the midst of my day? Do I lean into Him or not? It’s becoming pretty simple in theory. “For me to live is Jesus and to die is gain” (Phil 1:21), so then “cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you!” (1 Peter 5:7)

Think about this in your life. What are you worrying about today? What are the fears that are paralyzing you today? Take a second or two and think about this…

If He is God and you’re not and He is good, then let’s practice casting our cares on Him today. To cast is to transfer weight onto someone or something else. So let them go as if Jesus cares for you today, knows what’s best for you and everyone involved, and remember that Jesus is always at work!


Cast It Like It's Hot


Winter Springs