“I Got This God…” = Highway To The Dangerzone


"I Got This God"

These can be four extremely dangerous words put together in the same sentence. Sure it’s the american dream to be and to do anything that we can put our minds to, but there’s a caution here that is worth thinking through. To be honest, the american dream is a pretty dangerous pursuit for followers of Jesus: comfort at all cost, security, wealth, 401k’s, striving, dominance, get what’s mine, personal kingdom building...to name a few (we'll talk more on this next week). All of these have an “I Got This God” attitude, and really that’s what gets me in trouble all the time.

And yet, “I can do all things through Jesus who gives me strength” Philippians 4, or "God won't put us through anything that we can't handle along side of God..." (loosely paraphrased from 1 Corinthians 10:13) just slip off my tongue. But in real life, this concept of entrusting these things over to Jesus isn’t as easy as quoting scripture.

Jesus where are the places in my 10000MINUTES that I, again, take your role? I take control of the outcome…or try to. Today I want to practice saying

"Jesus YOU got this!"

Have you noticed a theme this week in these posts? Practice this with me today!


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