Practice Curiosity This Easter Week

What do we learn from Jesus’ life the week before Easter?

My friend Kevin said something this weekend at Journey that rattled me.

“Are we so steeped in who we want Jesus to be that we don’t recognize him?”

From Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the coming King on a donkey (John 12), to Him stooping so low as to wash His disciples feet (John 13), to Him not putting up a fight when it was time to be arrested in the garden (John 18), to Him asking His Father to forgive His killers (John 19), and so on, Jesus always seemed to do the unorthodox, unconventional, and extraordinary.

Remember, the Jews were (and still are) looking for the Messiah, the coming King who will reign with power and kick some royal butt. That was their interpretation of Him, but they were so steeped in it that they missed Him. What are we so steeped in, that we’re missing Him?

About 10 years ago, I had an awakening to a bigger view of God. And it seems that every year since, He continues to become even greater, more powerful, and more mysterious.

This Easter week, let’s look for what Jesus is doing through a bigger lens. Let’s walk with wonder and follow with curiosity. Jesus, would you wreck our limited, sterile, religious idols of you and how you work, and replace them with wonder and curiosity.

10000 MINUTES Practice:

Walk with Wonder & Curiosity this Easter week. What’s Jesus up to?


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