Who Is Jesus When We Worry

“Who do you say that I am?” This was Jesus’ question to His disciples after almost 3 years of non-stop friendship, and in a sense, this is the question that we get to engage everyday and all day long. Think about it “who do you say that I AM today?”

Moment by moment, my life is saying something about who He is to me:

  • When I practice worry, I’m saying that I need to take over because Jesus isn’t doing His job; or He doesn’t care about this circumstance or me, so I need to do something; or, to me, He is a genie in the lamp at my very beck and call.

  • When I practice trust, my life is saying that He is God and I’m not and I trust Him with my life. I am saying that He is at work in all things, and out for my good and the good of His Kingdom. My good, according to Romans 8, is that through the trials of life, He is shaping and reshaping me to look like Him.

For the next few weeks we are going to be working through who we say Jesus is in the 10,000 MINUTES of our week. Since last week we practiced trust instead of worry, I thought we’d continue this practice.

We know that worry isn’t really helpful, but we continue to practice it. Why? We live out of the overflow of our hearts. What we believe to be true about God dictates how we live. So when Jesus asks them, “Who do you say that I am”, He knows that they/we will act out of our answer to this question.

This week, when we worry:

#1. Who do you say Jesus is when you worry? Think about it...journal about it...talk with a friend about it...don’t practice shame in it :)

#2. Instead of practicing worry, practice trust by affirming who God is:

  • You are at work in all things

  • You know the hairs on my head and you love me

  • You are God and I’m not

  • ...?

When you worry this week, what is that saying about how you see God?

10000 MINUTES Practice:

When you worry, affirm Jesus for who He is. Practice saying the promises and names of God in the midst of your worry!


Cancer, IV's, Money & Jesus


We Get Good At What We Practice