My Cancer Update WITH Jesus

Here’s the latest chapter of our Cancer Journey:

So after insurance denial, after insurance denial, we finally decided to just pay for my MRI :).

All in all, our news was stable. The tumors that we’d thought had shrunk via last years MRI, in fact didn’t. They were back to the same size as they were 2 years before. Ultimately this is good news, because the tumors are stable as far as the Dr’s can see.

It was also a little disheartening how our last scans got my hopes up, all to come back a year later and find out that it wasn’t true.

I’ll be honest, I wrote the “X” on my wrist that day with the intention of walking through it aware of Jesus, but after all of the rigamarole and chaos of blood work and insurance craziness, I forgot who I was WITH. I didn’t necessarily lose my joy, I was simply unaware and not aligned WITH Jesus/Joy. This lead to worry, frustration with the system and how much money we were ending up paying, disappointment with a year of wrong info and false excitement. I basically became drunk with fear, and lost perspective.

It took me a day or so to sober up and live in the present WITH Jesus. Friends, this is such a game changer in the midst of our crazy stories. This is a perfect example of living a life WITH Jesus as our hope, instead of our hope resting in what He can do for us or in the hoped outcome. The more that we remain aligned WITH Him in the middle of it all, the more joy we get to live WITH.

I was practicing fear, worry, frustration, and disappointment With-Out Jesus.

#1 What would it look like to practice all of these things WITH Jesus instead of on my own?

#2 What would it look like for me to practice “God WITH Us” instead?

What is blinding you from seeing and aligning WITH Jesus : Emmanuel : God WITH Us this season/year/week/moment?

10000 MINUTES practice:


Ps. Thanks for those of you who have partnered with us $ this past year and are signing up for this next year! If these have been encouraging for your soul, please jump in monthly to help us keep this going! Grateful for y’all...Jesus Lead ON….

Pss. Thanks for letting me walk WITH you throughout this journey.

Text “10k” to “55678” if you want weekly text reminders to your phone. We’ll be sending out a few encouragements a week to help you practice Jesus all week long!


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