Can Joy Exist In Sorrow?

What does joy look like in the midst of tears? Can joy exist even in deep sadness?

Dallas Willard is one of those major heroes of faith examples for me. I was privileged to have met him a few times and to have done a few conferences with him yet I didn’t get the full extent of his genius until I spent over 100 hours with him watching his youtube videos and reading his work. This man knew Jesus and knew what He cared about.

Dallas died a few years back from a battle with cancer, but his understanding of Jesus’ Kingdom and the economy of Joy in life and death astounds me.

Start at 2:40 (I’d re-comment the whole thing) and PLEASE finish it. In the end of this clip we see an amazing man, in the midst of great sorrow, filled to overflowing with Joy (which is a fruit of Dallas’ friendship with Jesus).


I can’t watch this clip and not cry everytime. The answer to the above question is an emphatic YES! Joy does exist in the deepest sorrow. Because Joy is an inherited rhythm of life in the Kingdom of God, doesn’t it make sense to pursue the King that offers it as a never ending supply regardless of circumstance. If we are seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God before our kingdoms and queendom and letting Jesus be in charge of our outcomes, then JOY is Free and Available! Welcome to the perks of Kingdom Living!

“The culmination of life: Live NOW in the action and presence of God with His people…” Dallas Willard


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