Jesus’ Great Evite

Do you know anyone who has actually taken Jesus up on His invitation in Matthew 6 where He says, “Consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. How much do I take care of them…So don’t worry about what you’ll eat or what you’ll wear…Don’t worry about tomorrow. Just deal with the things that are in front of you today”.

Think about it again, do you know anyone who has actually put Jesus’ invitation to the test and lived to tell about it? I can name people I know that live like this on one hand.

For the past few years I’ve been confronted with this question of utter trust. It may even be more primal than trust, it’s desperate dependence. Do I have the gall to not just dip my toe into Jesus’ promise, but to fully lean into Him with the same reckless abandon as a skydiver takes a step into mid air. You with me on this?

This is the point of this 10000MINUTES blog. I’m not yet ready to fully  jump out of that plane into the providence of Jesus, but I am getting closer everyday. How do we live out these amazing invitations of Jesus all week long? What would your week look like if you reread Matthew 6 and lived it? Let’s do this!


Dumbest Thing Ever


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