Shtuff We Shouldn't Say - THE BIBLE SAYS IT... THAT SETTLES IT? | Ep. 4

Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it...

Does that really settle it? What is the litmus test for a Jesus follower: Scripture memorization (which has great value) OR the Fruit of the Spirit that flows and shows through us especially in trying times?

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE and study the written word of God, but the scriptures are not what brings FULLNESS of life (John 5:39). They always point to the Word, Jesus, for all the power, fullness and authority!

Does the fruit of the Spirit come out of you in your disagreements? If not, try entering those moments WITH JESUS. He doesn’t need us to “defend” Him with our words, but to join Him and display His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control! GOD changes hearts for good, we don’t!

This week, I am reading through the book of Mark, getting as far as I get, with no pressure or agenda. Try it with me… let’s simply be teachable and curious with no expectations, other than that we hanging out with GOD!


Read Scripture with Humility, Be Teachable


Shtuff We Shouldn't Say - LET GO? LET GOD? | Ep. 5


Shtuff We Shouldn't Say - LOVE THE SINNER, HATE THE SIN | Ep. 3