Divided / United - Room at the Table | Ep. 2

Who was sitting and walking with Jesus for 3 years? Religious zealot and a tax collector, Judas, prostitutes, Business men, etc. And yet SOMEHOW the things that they all thought and believed were either overshadowed by or unified in the person Of JESUS. Somehow, they found UNITY in the WAYs of Jesus, who their ultimate loyalty/ allegiance lays in!

10000 MINUTES Practice:

Recite this verse all week long and live as though it’s true: Trust in the lord with all your heart, LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. IN ALL OF YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM (Proverbs 3:5-6).


Divided / United - Pledge Allegiance | Ep. 3


Divided / United - The Politics of Heaven | Ep. 1