Jesus & CS Lewis Know Stuff


A friend recently reminded me of this amazing quote from C.S.Lewis: "...we sit on the ground in a ghetto and make mud pies assuming this is as good as it gets while God is trying to call us to stand up and come with Him to a luxury resort on the seashore."

This idea really hit home as I just got back from a few days, literally on the sand on a writers retreat in Florida. I know, it was really hard on me :) but, in certain areas of my life, I literally find myself sitting on the ground in a ghetto, making mud pies assuming this is as good as it gets. Jesus has invited us/me to hang on the seashore WITH Him and how often do we/I decline the offer? Can you imagine actual rest in the midst of your SHtuff? Literally, Joy and Rest, no matter your circumstances?

Come to me”, Jesus says, “take my yoke upon you.  Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  (Matthew 11:28-29)

To be yoked to Jesus means that we are literally attached to Him, going wherever He goes, learning from Him, letting Him carry our SHtuff, and we get rest for our souls! What a deal! Or Que ganga (in spanish)! This is a state of mind, heart, soul, awareness. That’s why the Good News, according to Jesus, is the actual Good News. His Kingdom/Awareness is totally available for us all day long.

In what area of your life are you sitting on the ground in a ghetto, making mud pies assuming this is as good as it gets? Worry, fear, anxiety, distraction, holding onto resentments, sorrow, wants, pride, lack of humility, hoping for something to happen and missing a life of Joy in the midst, feeling stuck in something…?

10000 MINUTES Practice:

Reflect on these 2 ideas:

"...we sit on the ground in a ghetto and make mud pies assuming this is as good as it gets while God is trying to call us to stand up and come with Him to a luxury resort on the seashore."

Come to me”, Jesus says, “take my yoke upon you.  Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  (Matthew 11:28-29)

Practice BEING AWARE of your current reality. Reflect on this with a friend this week!


Jesus You Have My Attention


Jesus Teach Me