Learning Through BEing WITH

What are you waiting for that hasn’t happened yet? Are you frustrated with where you are right now: job, relationships, finances, spiritually, etc?

Is there a promise of God that hasn’t been fulfilled in your journey yet?

Ok, so if you shared these things with a friend, and they just said, “Well, it’s just God teaching you something…” how would you react? Most of us would either, with our hands or in our hearts, tell that person that they are #1. The problem is that they’re really close to being right, but their delivery is ill timed.

When we hear someone say a cliche phrase like that, it almost makes God out to be a harsh condescending Father causing His kids harm so He could teach them a lesson. What if, God is simply at work in all things, working in and through them for our good (Rom 8)?  

This week we are going to focus on BEing WITH Jesus in our frustration, our waiting, and in our sadness. Following our recent practice of wherever you are, BE there WITH Jesus, I thought it made sense to get even more practical and street level. What are you frustrated about in your life right now: job, relationships, finances, spiritually, etc? Name it. Spend a little time WITH just you and Jesus hashing through this stuff.

How you see God will dictate how that “Hashing” through will go.

  • If you see Him as mad, withholding, or absent, then there won’t be much to get out of Him but disappointment.  

  • If you can see Him as working in and through you for your good, inviting you into more intimacy WITH Him and a greater perspective through it all, then this practice will be powerful and potentially day changing!

Jesus uses the word “BE”, and the idea of BEing all the time which I listed the past few weeks. I love how He cried WITH His Bff’s after Lazarus died. He want to BE WITH you in the middle of it all. Sit WITH Him. Hash stuff through WITH Him. Just BE WITH Him. He can handle it!

10000MINUTES Practice:

This week in your frustration, loneliness, sadness, weakness, desperation:


I love you people. Thank you for walking with Jesus with Us! You are such an encouragement.


Co-Struggling WITH Jesus Today


How are you at BEing?