Are You Reacting Out of Fear or Love?

Ok everyone, I am seriously blown away with how profound this idea is:

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” 1 John 4:18

Go with me on this. I’ve read this verse a million times and have never really asked this question before. My friend Jamie has been talking about this for a few weeks now, and I am finally getting it! In every decision, reaction, relationship, etc, are you motivated out of fear or out of love?

There’s nothing beautiful about fear. In fact, fears are just lies that we give our attention to. So as I am making some big decisions this week, am I making them out of a place of fear or out of a place of love? As I am parenting this week, or reacting to how people treat me or see me, what am I giving my attention to: fear or love? Lies or Truth? Worry or Trust? Control or Surrender?

Really, when you boil any of our angst or frustration down to it’s core, you’ll find fear. Why did you react so strongly against something or someone? Why do you give other things so much of your attention?

Fear is Darkness, and Love is Light. So when Jesus, the Light of the world, shines His love-light on our dark-fear, all that remains is love-light. When we practice the nearness of Jesus in and through, and at work all around us, we will find freedom!

This is an awakening moment 10000 MINUTES family! Here is our practice this week:


All week long, ask Jesus to open your eyes to your heart’s motivation (Matt 12:34). In all situations, ask yourself:

Am I reacting out of Fear or out of Love (trust, surrender, peace, etc.)? Jesus lead on...

Text “10k” to “55678” if you want weekly text reminders to your phone. We’ll be sending out a few encouragements a week to help you practice Jesus all week long!


Jesus, What Are You Up To?


Who Calls You Out?