Aaaaand we lost both categories…categories song of the year (MercyMe- Even If) and album of the year. I mean, just think of all of the different emotions, hopes and dreams going on in that room. Everything that led up to Sunday night’s awards to everything that happened on Sunday night, shaped everyone in that room’s hearts in good and bad ways. How many identities and egos were lifted up and shattered all in a moment?

So, a few months ago we were up for a few Dove Awards, and I learned something about what and who I worship.  As they are about to announce the winner, you go through this crazy head game that ultimately, if you’re aware, reveals so much of the condition of your heart. “What’s my face look like if we lose? This would be so fun to win this. What are the implications if we win or lose? I’ll be happy if that group wins it, but not them. No Tim, that’s not kind:) Oh it comes...aaaaand…”

The reality is that all day long our hearts are being shaped by our hopes, fears, expectations, etc. and we are rarely aware of the implications. The more that I’ve been aware of these things and put them through the lens of Jesus and all He cares about, I’ve found some amazing healing, clarity and freedom.

My friend and pastor Jamie George has back issues. You’ll be hanging out with him and all of a sudden, he will writhe in pain as if Rocky Balboa himself came and sucker punched Jamie in the back. But, no sooner than he can recover from the body blow, Jamie says with a grimacing smile, “Something wonderful is going on.”  It is such an amazing mic drop moment. It ends up shaping Jamie’s heart and everyone around him. It has become a rhythm in his day. It is putting into practice true awe and wonder. It is living with a curiosity of what Jesus is up to in the midst of it all.

The Fear of the Lord (as in awe, reverence, and wonder) is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10

So, leading up to The Grammy’s, I decided to put Jamie’s posture of Wonder into the rhythms of my heart. All day long, I would say, “Jesus, You are up to something wonder-full no matter what happens. I want to join You in what You’re up to.” With a posture of curiosity instead of anxiety, my heart ended up in an amazingly free place before and after.

This week, every time I write and see the “X” on my wrist, I will practice saying, “Something Wonderful is going on…” When things don’t go my way or my kids frustrate the hell-th out of me, with a curious heart I will practice praying, “Jesus, something wonderful is going on…”

What is Jesus up to in your story? How different would it be to practice wonder instead of worry.



Text “10k” to “55678” if you want weekly text reminders to your phone. We’ll be sending out a few encouragements a week to help you practice Jesus all week long!


I Would Be More Secure If...


Does Fear Drive Your Decisions?