Jesus, I Forgot You Last Week

My confession this past weekend:

“Jesus I forgot you last week. I used you like a silent partner and took care of life on my own. I'm tired.”

Essentially, in my confession, I was admitting that I put other gods and kingdoms before Him all week long. The gods of work, relationships, things, my wants and felt needs were all in my control and focus. Now most of these things aren’t inherently bad, but leaving Jesus out of them is dangerous for me.

I read this on

...confession of sin is the intermediate step between awareness that a sin has been committed and the offering of an atoning sacrifice.

Confession is the step between the awareness of sin (missing the mark, inwardly saying yes to temptation) and the offering of the payment to clear the debt. Well GREAT NEWS,  Jesus already took care of the second half of this deal!!!!!!! Which leaves us with our part; confession, admitting our part, acknowledgment of, awareness.

This past weekend, our church gathering was really powerful. Jamie George, our pastor, had people text in their confessions for the week. Wowza, it was vulnerable and powerful. But there were a few references that I loved and wanted to share on this subject that will lead to our life practice:

The dynamic of sin is to see it as a matter of choosing to be mindless rather than mindful. Curt Thomson - Anatomy of the Soul

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

When we are wrapped up in self, were unable to experience the daylong embrace of God.  - Janet Holm McHenry  

So, this week as we pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17), let’s make confession a part of the rhythm of our day. Let’s keep short account of our heart’s motives and actions. Holy Spirit, would you open our eyes this week to see the places and things that are not beautiful in us. We need healing. We need freedom!

There is such a wonderful freedom that is designed in the act of confession. And remember, you are not pleading with Him to forgive you, because that is already DONE by Jesus on and off the cross!

This week, Practice:
Confess, admit, acknowledge your sin to Jesus. Write it down in your phone or journal. Be alert and aware. Then find someone safe to share it with. (this part feels way more awkward, but it is part of the process of healing!)  





The Problem With My Prayers


At my funeral, this will be mentioned...