I Forgot That Jesus Was On The Move

Picture this: Night #1.  I’m playing in an arena in front of thousands of people on the biggest tour of my life. As I walked off stage, I was followed by an extremely influential industry executive who leaned into me pretty hard about my set needing work etc. BTW, his was assessment was right and I’m grateful that he cared enough about me and saw enough potential in me to shoot straight even though it was painful to hear.

For the next 5 days my soul went dark. I stressed out so hard on my set that I forgot that Jesus was on the move in and around me. Every night I became more and more consumed by how many cd’s I wasn’t selling. I lost sight of all that I had signed onto this tour for. And so the war of 2 kingdoms continued.  “Seek First the Kingdom Of Timmons…” 4 Timothy 1:1 became my life verse.

How quickly I had lost all perspective, all mission, all vision of my main objective: to simply follow Jesus into the work of His Kingdom. How quickly my old prayers of “Jesus would you bless what I am doing…” came back and how quickly it became all about me.

Jesus’ purpose for me on this tour, at home, at work, and even as I sit here on this plane is consistent and simple. He says “Follow Me.” In these past few years the practicality of following Jesus has seemed to start with an awareness of His nearness and movements. What if we aren’t supposed to ask Jesus to join us in what we are doing but to ask Him to show us where He is moving and how we could join Him in it.

In the everyday mundane routines of our lives, what if we tried asking Jesus to open up doors for His Kingdom sake and for the eyes to see where He is moving. That was how Paul prayed every time he went to a new city. “Jesus would YOU open doors for Your good news to be seen and heard.”

This simplicity has been my aim and joy in this past season until little distractions cloud my pure and simple devotion to follow Jesus (2 Cor. 11:3-4).

So after the 5 days of reading and living out a miserable existence of 4 Timothy 1:1, I prayed with great sobriety the same prayer that I’ve been praying for the past 7 years:

”I surrender all… would you let my kingdom fall. So Yours alone will be the only one standing.” (chorus of one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written: Only One Standing)

Since then I’ve found the gift of Joy again and watched Jesus open doors all over the place for things that lift up His Kingdom. Jesus keep reminding us of your nearness!

When you’re talking to Jesus, who’s agenda is most important? Take a life survey of your recent prayers.


The Internet and My Kid…Now It’s Personal


Expert Follower of Jesus