Touring With Jesus

Touring as a new artist on a bill with 8 other well established artist wasn’t the easiest endeavor five years ago. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED my experience and was so honored to have that role yet I just have a babe of wife and 4 kids to provide for back at home. One of the ways I feed my family in this line of work is through selling Cds, shirts, bracelets, pictures of my beard and hopefully someday selling life sized mannequins of myself. After I pay everyone their share, I end up with a percentage of the sale. Ok this is not a class on business just a little background!

My road manager came up to me one night and said “ Tim you did great tonight. You sold 82 cds!” I responded with “ thanks for your help bro, but everyone else sells millions of their cds a night…I just want to hit 100 cd’s sold one of these nights.” All the while I am fighting the tendency to make this all about me and my kingdom. God has not commissioned me to sell cd’s and merchandise in this season. He has specifically commissioned me to be a missionary to Christians and to lift up the revolution of simply Jesus. (side note: that’s why I write an X on my wrist everyday reminding me who’s Kingdom I work for and belong to! See last week’s post…)

Back to the story: The busses rolled into Spokane, Wa on a Sunday morning which meant an early show, which meant low attendance for my portion of the show, which meant less people to introduce to Jesus, which also meant low sales etc. Yup gross math for a follower of Jesus.

On a run with a fellow tour mate, we talked through what it would look like to actually trust Jesus with His promises in Matt 6. Do I have the cajones to say “Jesus, you say to simply trust that you are God and I am not. You take care of the lilies and birds and how much more do you love me and my family then those things. King Jesus, as a citizen of Your Kingdom, today I will jump into your care and provision.”

Well that night, as I was playing, the arena was literally packed out and I sold 100 cds. Not 93 or 105, but 100 cds on the nose (note to self: next time aim higher when dreaming with Jesus!)

What if Jesus is still alive and well and on the move?

What if He could be trusted with every aspect?


Lessons From Fishing With Satan


“What Do I Do Next?”