Week Three Learnings


Week 3 done! How were your 10000MINUTES? What did you see, what did you learn regarding practically following Jesus all week long?

Affirmation - this practice could change everything.

Lessons From My Hero Kara Tippetts (phil 1:21) - an invitation to a new reality.

Jesus Take The Wheel - there are places where my kingdom gets so threatened...what threatens yours?

I LOVE WRITING SONGS - we were made to create… so “whatever you do, work heartily (full of heart), as for the Lord (King) and not for man…” Colossians 3:23

Awoken Joy - are you Joy-FULL or not? If not, do you want an awakening of Joy?

So grateful for you friends and fellow journeyers…see you this next week!




Thanks Elsa!


awoken JOY