I LOVE WRITING SONGS. Yeah I yelled that! I do. There is something so beautiful about creating something from nothing. My co-writer came to my studio this morning and we had nothing...he left and we have a beautiful song (that the world may or may not ever see).

[spotify id="spotify%3Atrack%3A0dO7x7kzuoZviu1faoCdSP" width="300" height="78" /]

I LOVE COOKING. Yeah i yelled that too! I love using what is already there and creating something that heals, fills, satisfies, and brings happy to people (usually). Check out this fun episode of Pantry Raid with Mike D from Tenth Avenue North by clicking on the image below.

Creating is good.

Go Create today. What is inside of you and wants to get out? Lego creation, song, letter to a friend, drawing, hugs? Just give yourself a break and be more you today than you were yesterday!

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men... Colossians 3:23


awoken JOY


Jesus Take the Wheel