Bob Goff Says The Darndest Things


Who are those people in your life that when you’re with them, you’re always better for it? Well one of those people for me is my super-hero friend, Bob Goff.

I had the privilege of spending a week with Bob, his wife Sweet Maria, his grown up kids, and 15 other friends in the middle of nowhere Malibu Canada. Details of that trip are another 20 blogs for another day! But at the end of our time together, after we had left his family at the house, Bob huddled us all up in a circle to say our goodbyes. Among other things we talked about in that circle, Bob said this:

The best way to honor and love a parent is to love their kids. You guys, thank you for loving my kids so well.  A father always knows when his kids have been loved, so thank you!  (he paused as if he had just had an epiphany)

You know, that’s exactly how God our Father must feel. So friends as we leave, our Father always knows when His kids are being loved. So go and love the Fathers Kids well!

Mic drop moment!

The Father always knows when His kids are being loved. So let’s go and love the Fathers Kids Well!

Go read Bob's book: LOVE DOES


Week Two Recap of Our 10,000 MINUTES


Control Freak